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Systems Thinking and Dynamic Modeling Products
are various books available for teaching
critical thinking using system dynamics. Listed below are
books, playkits, and DVDs developed and/or published by the Creative Learning Exchange. These materials have proved to be useful teaching guides for using systems thinking with students.
Communicating Critical Thinking: Visual Tools for Student Projects
by The Creative Learning Exchange
Helps teachers and students create projects in all areas of the curriculum. Using Systems Tools make explicit and visible the thinking behind student work, helping students create their projects at a new level of communication and understanding.
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Critical Thinking Using Systems Thinking and Dynamic Modeling
by The Creative Learning Exchange
Looking to improve critical thinking in students? The How and the Why of using systems thinking and dynamic modeling are together in one book. This booklet provides frameworks and shows how using systems thinking and dynamic modeling improve critical thinking in students.
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Dollars and Sense: Stay in the Black
by Jeff Potash and John Heinbokel
The materials in Dollars and Sense challenge students to use systems thinking and mathematical tools to develop a realistic and personal understanding of the dynamics of the economic system in which we live. This knowledge and insight, along with computer simulation and support from teachers and parents, should help them maximize the chance for building a prosperous future.
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Dollars and Sense II: Our Interest in Interest
by Jeff Potash
The materials in Dollars and Sense II challenge students to use systems thinking and mathematical tools to develop a realistic and personal understanding of the dynamics of the economic system in which we live. This knowledge and insight, along with computer simulation and support from teachers and parents, should help them maximize the chance for building a prosperous future.
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Healthy Chickens, Healthy Pastures (Playkit & Curriculum Guide)
by Linda Booth Sweeney and Renata Pomponi
This Playkit, Healthy Chickens, Healthy Pastures, is a game that has been created to help students think deliberately about living systems in a farm setting and give students a mental framework to take home and apply in other contexts.
Through this game, students will explore the hidden interconnections and dynamics surrounding the “Egg Mobile” and answer this question: What’s the connection between the Egg Mobile and a healthy pasture?
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Model Mysteries: An Exploration of Vampires, Zombies, and Other Fantastic Scenarios to Make the World a Better Place
by Anne LaVigne and Lees Stuntz
How can zombie chickens taking over the world be similar to a growing national debt or the possible
extinction of an endangered species?
How can the distribution of a new mind-control technology be similar to working toward a goal, like
improving your grades?
Learn about modeling in a fun an engaging way with this guide from the CLE. Learn More...
Now What? A Call to Action
by Alan Ticotsky and The Creative Learning Exchange
The world faces a decision point in the 21st Century. Major “Environmental Systems” are becoming so stressed that our future quality of life may decline after hundreds of years of growth and development. But strategies and choices exist that lead to a happier outcome.
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by Anne LaVigne, and The Creative Learning Exchange
A handy set of how-to cards in a flipbook to guide exploration of the free, fun and intuitive app for mobile devices - Splash!
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Systems in Motion
by Jennifer Andersen, Anne LaVigne, and The Creative Learning Exchange
Three separate books that highlight 19 different lessons. Each books presents lessons of different complexity to help guide students through the complexities of systems. These oscillation lessons begin with the fundamentals and progress to more challenging lessons and concepts. In these three books, students will explore lessons on springs, interpersonal relationships, predator/prey interactions, burnout, and commodities.
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Shape of Change, including The Shape of Change: Stocks and Flows
Rob Quaden and Alan Ticotsky with Debra
This combined edition of two books contains lessons that engage students in classroom activities that help them understand not only what but also why things change over time. Why did doubling cause the
number of friends to grow exponentially? Why
did the mammoths go extinct? Why did the boiling
water cool to room temperature?
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...that school in Tucson (DVD & Booklet)
by James Morrison, booklet
written by The Creative Learning Exchange
A longitudinal
study of systems thinking in K-12 Education.
Thirteen years ago, middle school students
and their faculty in Tucson, AZ, pioneered
a revolutionary new approach to learning—using
Systems Thinking tools to engage in collaborative,
real-world problem solving that honed their
critical thinking skills. We have the rare
opportunity to revisit some of them thirteen
years later and hear how this learner-centered
approach transformed their lives.
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Tracing Connections: Voices of Systems Thinkers
published by isee systems and The Creative Learning Exchange
The book collects the experiences and thoughts of practitioners from education, business, public policy, and research to present its powerful applicability of Systems Thinking.
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