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Predator and Prey Interactions

Level B: Wild Things: Interacting Populations

This lesson allows students to explore the interactions of two animal populations (predator and prey) within an ecosystem. Their populations can rise and fall (oscillate) over time as they interact and impact one another.


Learning goals:

  • Represent and interpret data on a line graph.
  • Tell the story of one or more predator/prey feedback
  • Create a map showing connections between predator and prey populations.
  • Compare results for simulation runs that do and do not include hunting licenses.

Student Challenge:

  • Create a policy that allows hunters to hunt, while still keeping the populations of predator and prey populations healthy.

Curricular Connections:

  • Science: Populations, ecosystems, scientific method
  • Representing and interpreting data (Common Core Math)
  • Describing connections among ideas (Common Core Reading)

Simulation: Predator and Prey

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