Home > Curriculum > Complex Systems > Oscillation
Level C: Waves of Change: Predator and Prey Dynamics
The predator/prey model explores a moose and wolf
population living on a small island. Students can
change various components of a predator/prey model,
including birth factor, lifespan, and habitat area. The
default simulation behavior is oscillation of both prey
and predator populations, in which the state of each
population impacts the state of the other over time.
Learning goals:
- Represent and interpret data on a line graph.
- Compare results for simulation runs.
- Explain the concept of density with regards to population dynamics.
- Represent a food source for the moose on the simulation map or loop diagram.
Student Challenge:
- Given an analysis of what is causing the two populations
to oscillate, create conditions which best stabilize
(minimize the oscillations of) the ecosystem on the
Curricular Connections:
- Science: Populations,
ecosystems, scientific
- Math: Vary assumptions,
explore consequences, and
compare predictions with
- Reading: Analyze a complex
set of ideas or sequence
of events and explain how
specific individuals, ideas, or
events interact and develop
over the course of the text.
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