Home > Curriculum > Complex Systems > Oscillation
Level C: Springs Everywhere: Exploring Spring-Mass Dynamics
The spring simulation allows students to experiment
with a virtual spring-mass system. They can change
settings, run the simulation, and compare results. The
default simulation behavior is equilibrium, as the spring
is initially at rest. By changing the settings, a variety
of oscillatory behaviors are generated. This model is
intended as an introduction for this series of oscillatory
models, although it also aligns with specific math and
science curricular standards.
Learning goals:
- Represent, interpret, and compare data on a graph.
- Explain concepts including oscillation, equilibrium, position, spring constant, mass, force, momentum, and resistance.
- Represent the system's loop structure, showing how position and momentum impact one another.
- Describe how and why springs oscillate.
Student Challenge:
- Create a variety of springs that produce specific behavior. Be able to discuss what is causing the variations in
oscillatory behavior.
Curricular Connections:
- Science: ...use many models,
including physical objects,
plans, mental constructs,
mathematical equations, and
computer simulations.
- Science: Laws of motion are
used to calculate precisely
the effects of forces on the
motion of objects.
- Math: Vary assumptions,
explore consequences, and
compare predictions with
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