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Cause within System |
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A System Dynamics Approach to Rabbits (S-shaped growth) (D-4286) |
Terri Duhon |
System Dynamics |
From SDEP. This paper studies S-shaped growth by examining the behavior of a rabbit population. Shows and explains a complete system dynamics model constructed for STELLA.
Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. This paper can be used in conjunction with the Oscillations curriculum, particularly Lessons 3A, B or C on logistic growth. This progression of lessons will help students understand that undesirable behavior can be a consequence of system structure and not a result of outside, uncontrollable influences. In other words, a system that oscillates does so because it has an inherent tendency to do so. |
Banzai Barbie! STELLA Model Building and Graph Analysis in Math and Science Using Bungee Jumping |
Mary Memmott, & Becky Hadden |
Cross-Curricular |
Using a STELLA model and then designing an actual bungee jump, students take Barbie bungee jumping.
Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System
This lesson presents a fun way to experiment with an oscillating system. It can be used as a precusor to the Oscillations curriculum designed for the Characteristics of Complex Systems project. |
Zipped (Models & PDF)
Behind Closed Gates: Potential dynamics when one group or individual is given complete control over another |
Jen Andersen, Anne LaVigne, Jeff Potash, & Lees Stuntz |
Cross-Curricular |
This lesson with accompanying simulation is loosely based on an experiment that was conducted at Stanford University in 1971. Phillip Zimbardo wanted to see how typical people would act if they were asked to take on roles of prisoners and prison guards for a two-week period. The experiment was stopped after only six days because of escalating, abusive behavior of the guards and concerns about the well-being of the prisoners.
In the simulation, students take on the role of a social scientist, trying to understand how a similar situation (with guards having complete control over prisoners)can create specific human responses, such as fear,repression, and resistance. They can then compare this situation to a host of other similar situations, fictional or real. |
Link to the simulation: http://www.clexchange.org/curriculum/simulations/prison_simulation.asp
Bumbles and Woofs: A Population Model |
Rachel Henry |
Cross-Curricular |
This high school math lesson progresses from a simple population model to
a predator-prey model with an understandable and explicit sequence. The
teacher used Vensim simulation software for the class, but the lesson could
easily be modified for other simulation software such as Stella and Splash! |
Causes of the Civil War |
Greg Reid |
Social Studies |
From Catalina Foothills School District. Five one hour lessons for 5th grade students. Through viewing relationships and systems, the learners will be able to graphically describe the tension in the US and the various causes of the Civil War. Students wil |
Chocolates, Vanillas, Strawberries, and Orwell: An Animal Farm Physical Simulation |
Nancy Campbell, & Ron Michalak |
English |
From Catalina Foothills School District. Following a physical simulation, students use Behavior over Time Graphs to study the "Animal Farm" and "chocolate" systems, and make oral and written connections between the novel and the simulation. After reading the novel, students relate it to the Success to the Successful archetype.
Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. The success of the three groups is based largely on the "rules" of the game, not on the abilities or talents of the "players" The system structure generates the problem of some groups getting greater and greater success, while others become worse off over time. |
Comments on Future of K-12 Education (D-4900-1) |
Jay Forrester |
System Dynamics |
There is a fundamentally different kind of pre-college education that the author, along with many others, has been pioneering for more than twenty years. The demonstration phase is now completed and it is time to launch a major implementation program to expand into a growing number of schools. This is a long-range and difficult undertaking but necessary if K-12 schools are to produce citizens who are prepared for the challenges of the future. |
Easter Island Population Model |
Diana M. Fisher |
Social Studies |
From CC-STADUS. Explores population-natural resource relationship, overshoot and collapse, leverage points.
Complex Systems Connection: Short and Long Term Conflicts, Cause within System. People sometimes decide to use natural resources to meet present needs and igno |
Fish Banks Packet |
System Dynamics in Education Project |
Cross-Curricular |
A curriculum to use with Fish Banks, Ltd., a simulation game developed and marketed by Dennis Meadows. Includes: a) Renewable Resource Depletion: A Systems Approach to the Tragedy of the Commons (Matthew C. Halbower). Supplemental materials for Fish Banks, Ltd. This paper is designed to accompany the Fish Banks game. It explains system concepts, proposes exercises, and describes the Fish Banks model. Requires a Macintosh computer and STELLA software. b) The Tragedy of the Commons (Garret Hardin). A discussion of the problems in the use of common resources. (Paper only: c) Fishing in the News. Assorted newspaper clippings to indicate the relevance of Fish Banks for today's fishing industry.)
Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System.
Locally rational choices (such as trying to maximize your own catch of fish) can lead to problems for everyone when the resource disappears. A "Tragedy of the Commons" simulation such as Fish Banks can help students to understand that the structure of a system gives rise to the observed behavior pattern. It does no good to place blame on others when actors in the system are causing their own problems! |
Zipped (Models & PDF)
GET MOVING! Solutions to the Epidemic of Childhood Obesity |
Omar Aboulezz, & Debra Lyneis |
Student Work |
What happens when kids spend hours every day watching TV or playing video games? Could these behaviors lead to obesity and serious illness? And, if so, what can we do about it? Omar Aboulezz, a fifth grader at the Flagg Street School in Worcester, Massa |
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