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Glucose Regulation (D-4261-1)
Author(s): M. Halbower, R. Niles, & T. Sudnick Subject: Science
  A learner-centered learning lesson plan for glucose regulation. Includes detailed STELLA models, homework exercises, and teaching notes to form a complete curriculum unit. Requires a Macintosh computer and STELLA software.

Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System.
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Graphing the Friendship Game: A Preliminary System Dynamics Lesson
Author(s): Alan Ticotsky, & Debra Lyneis Subject: Personal Growth and Development
  A variation on the original Friendship Game (SS1996-11FriendshipGame) becomes the foundation for an introductory graphing lesson for students in grades K, 1 and 2, adding graphing to the systems tools used and systems concepts learned in the game.
Haig Dynamics, A Dream in the Making… System Dynamics Club at Earl Haig Secondary School
Author(s): Yannick Ngana Subject: Conference
  Haig Dynamics is a student-lead System Dynamics club at Earl Haig Secondary School. The session will share the journey and the experiences of Haig Dynamics, including the rationale of the being of the club, its mandate, as well as its goals and objectives. It will also consist of a recapitulation of the achievements of Haig Dynamics, including the topics discussed, and any feedback from students regarding System Dynamics.
Healthy Chickens, Healthy Pastures: Making Connections at Drumlin Farm and Beyond
Author(s): Linda Booth Sweeney, & Renata Pomponi Subject: Cross-Curricular
  This "Making Connections Playkit" has been created yo help students think deliberately about living systems in a farm setting and to give students an organizing framework to take home and apply in other contexts.
History and Biology of Smallpox: A General Introduction to the Epidemic Spread of Disease
Author(s): John Heinbokel, & Jeff Potash Subject: Cross-Curricular
  This series of case-studies developed by the Waters Center for System Dynamics examines the dynamics and impacts of such epidemics primarily through the lens of one specific disease --smallpox.

Complex Systems Connection: Separate Cause and Effect. For some illness/disease, symptoms appear long after initial infection. Sometimes people travel great distance while infected because they are unaware of the infection. Medical "detectives" faced with an epidemic must understand how the infection spreads and how quickly. Delays in the system make this more difficult.
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How Bad Will Portland's Traffic Be in 2040?
Author(s): Ben Andrews, & Dave Roth Subject: Student Work
  A 1999 SyMBowl finalist paper. This paper discusses a model developed to discover the change in the commute time over the next 50 years in metro Portland, OR.

Complex Systems Connection: Ineffective Action.
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How Does a Galaxy Evolve?
Author(s): Carl Anderson, & Steven Cottingham Subject: Student Work
  A 1999 SyMBowl finalist paper. This paper discusses a model developed to demonstrate what happens in a galaxy as it goes into stars and eventually into white dwarfs, black holes, and neutron stars.

Complex Systems Connection: Separate Cause and Effect. A model of how
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How Does a System Dynamicist Think?
Author(s): Dennis Meadows Subject: Conference
  A workshop led by this internationally known System Dynamicist, a master teachers who will share his unique ways of delving into problems, using a system dynamics mindset.
How Does Systems Thinking Fit in with 21st Century Skills?
Author(s): Ken Kay Subject: Conference
  This two-part keynote session will start with Ken Kay explaining the work of the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, its role in systemic educational change and how systems thinking fits into the 21st Century skill set. The second part of this morning’s session will feature a discussion among participants and between Peter Senge and Ken Kay about the interconnection amongst 21st Century Skills, Systems Thinking and educational change.
How Is This Similar to That? The skill of recognizing parallel dynamic structures on center stage
Author(s): Linda Booth Sweeney Subject: Research
  This article is intended to put systems educators' daily work in context for educational researchers and to highlight a central skill for schools seeking to teach students to see, understand, and ultimately affect the systems around them.
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