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Interdisciplinary Evaluation Techniques Using System Dynamics (D-4320-1)
Author(s): Tad T. Sudnick Subject: Implementation
  This paper discusses how the use of STELLA models in a high school science class demands interdisciplinary skills and content, and the importance of evaluating them.
Intro Booklet for System Dynamics in K12
Author(s): CLE Subject: Implementation
  A packet of materials designed to help those conversant with system dynamics become involved with the education of students ages 3-19. Contains brochures, resource list, and other tips and techniques from the CLE.
Introducing System Dynamics and Systems Thinking to a School (and Children) Near You
Author(s): CLE Subject: Implementation
  A packet of materials designed to help those conversant with system dynamics become involved with the education of students ages 3-19. Contains brochures, resource list, USB drive with all CLE materials and simulations.
Introducing System Dynamics into the Traditional Secondary Curriculum: The CC-STADUS Project's Search for Leverage Points
Author(s): Ron Zaraza, & Diana Fisher Subject: Implementation
  From CC-STADUS. A discussion of the single-subject natural "entry points" for system dynamics—areas where systems ideas and models are natural topics. Examples are given for physics, biology, mathematics, social sciences and literature.
Introduction to Dynamic Modeling
Author(s): Anne LaVigne Subject: Conference
  This session is intended for individuals who have some Systems Thinking background and would like to explore the basics of dynamic modeling software as a way to represent a system. Participants will become familiar with basic icons of STELLA® software (stocks, flows, converters, connectors, and graphs) in order to build simple models that demonstrate linear and compounding growth. They will expand the compounding growth model into a population/resource model and then compare linear and non-linear models. If time allows, participants can also explore simulations of other generic models that are freely available online. Please bring a laptop computer for this session.
Introductory Packet
Author(s): CLE Subject: Why K12 SD
  A packet of six articles to introduce system dynamics in education. Includes: a) System Dynamics And Learner-Centered-Learning In Kindergarten Through 12th Grade Education. (Jay W. Forrester) An argument for the necessity of change in the educational process and the applicability of system dynamics in K-12 education. By the founder of the discipline of system dynamics. b) Systems Thinking, Four Key Questions. (Barry Richmond) A general over-view. Interesting paper to read to get the perspective of a professional system dynamicist, c) Bring System Dynamics to a School near You ( Debra Lyneis.) An explanation of the methods people have used to bring system dynamics and learner-centered learning to schools across the US.d) Consider The Gypsy Moth: An Example of System Dynamics for Carlisle. (Debra Lyneis) An explanation of how system dynamics would "look" and work in a curriculum, using the gypsy moth caterpillar as a concrete example of its application in a science curriculum. A simple presentation which clearly demonstrates how to start using and understanding basic system dynamics and modeling. e) Infusing System Dynamics into Kindergarten through Eighth Grade Curriculum (Debra Lyneis) A guide to help infuse the system dynamics concepts into curriculum. f) System Dynamics in 25 Words or Less (Debra Lyneis) A short, succinct description of system dynamics.
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It All Comes Down to Dirt
Author(s): Linda Booth Sweeney Subject: Implementation
  A brief report on the use of the Healthy Chickens, Healthy Pastures playkit and curriculum guide.
It All Comes Down to Dirt: Learning while Playing with the "Healthy Chickens, Healthy Pastures" Playkit
Author(s): Subject: Cross-Curricular
  Sharing a learning experience using the "Healthy Chickens, Healthy Pastures" playkit
It's Cool: An Experiment and Modeling Lesson
Author(s): Alan Ticotsky, Rob Quaden, & D. Lyneis Subject: Science
  Prepared with the support of the Gordon Stanley Brown Fund. In this lesson, fifth grade students measure, record, and graph the changing temperature of a cooling cup of boiling water. Students then build a simple STELLA model of the system and run further experiments on the model. This lesson introduces students to the concept of feedback in a system dynamics model.
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Jay W. Forrester Biography (D-3110-14)
Author(s): Jay W. Forrester Subject: System Dynamics
  The biography of Jay W. Forrester
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