Lessons from Implementation of Systems Thinking and Dynamic Modeling in Schools |
Greg Orpen, Tim Lucas, Cathy Keegan, & Benjamin Chung |
Conference |
Three different models: Greg Orpen (Innovation Academy Charter School)
Tim Lucas and Cathy Keegan (Milton PA Public Schools and the Institute for Teaching and Leading)
Benjamin Chung (Korea and Thailand)
Lessons from The Lorax: Using Graphs to Study Change |
Rob Quaden, & Alan Ticotsky |
Cross-Curricular |
In this lesson, students read The Lorax and draw graphs to illustrate the changes that happen over the course of the story. Using simply stated questions, readers grapple with the complex themes in the book and movie. Students will investigate how cycles compete for dominance, and think about how the needs of business and natural resources can collide.
Complex Systems Connection: Separate Cause and Effect, Short and Long Term Conflicts.
Short-term focus on making money results in depletion of resource and environmental degradation over time and the collapse of the business. Actions and consequences are separated by time. |
Lessons in Mathematics Section 0: Overview |
Diana M. Fisher |
Math |
This book provides a set of tools that enables educators to teach mathematics using the framework of System Dynamics. Section 0 covers basic skills in representing equations using a visual modeling tool, the STELLA software. Available from iseesystems. |
More about the book at: http://www.iseesystems.com/store/college_university/MathBook.aspx
Lessons in Mathematics Section 1: Linear Behavior |
Diana M. Fisher |
Math |
This book provides a set of tools that enables educators to teach mathematics using the framework of System Dynamics. Section 1 on linear motion covers the theory of finite differences and distance-time and position-time exercises using a motion detector. Available from iseesystems. |
More about the book at: http://www.iseesystems.com/store/college_university/MathBook.aspx
Lessons in Mathematics Section 2: Quadratic Behavior |
Diana M. Fisher |
Math |
This book provides a set of tools that enables educators to teach mathematics using the framework of System Dynamics. Section 2 on quadratic behavior covers the theory of finite differences and distance-time and position-time exercises using a motion detector. Available from iseesystems. |
More about the book at: http://www.iseesystems.com/store/college_university/MathBook.aspx
Lessons in Mathematics Section 3: Exponential Behavior |
Diana M. Fisher |
Math |
This book provides a set of tools that enables educators to teach mathematics using the framework of System Dynamics. Section 3 covers the theory of finite differences for exponential functions. Students build models of many processes, including bacteria growth, drug elimination from the body and compounding interest, among others. |
More about the book at: http://www.iseesystems.com/store/college_university/MathBook.aspx
Lessons in Mathematics Section 4: Review |
Diana M. Fisher |
Math |
This book provides a set of tools that enables educators to teach mathematics using the framework of System Dynamics. Section 4 reviews previous concepts, combines model structures to solve new problems and extends problems from previous lessons. Available from iseesystems. |
More about the book at: http://www.iseesystems.com/store/college_university/MathBook.aspx
Lessons in Mathematics Section 5: Oscillatory Behavior |
Diana M. Fisher |
Math |
This book provides a set of tools that enables educators to teach mathematics using the framework of System Dynamics. Section 5 covers sinusoidal functions, including simple harmonic motion. Distance versus time lessons using a motion detector are also included, as are lessons on predator-prey systems.
Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. The lessons in this section can be used as building blocks for the Oscillations curriculum that illustrates "the cause of the problem is within the system." |
More about the book at: http://www.iseesystems.com/store/college_university/MathBook.aspx
Lessons in Mathematics Section 6: Convergent and Logistic Behavior |
Diana M. Fisher |
Math |
This book provides a set of tools that enables educators to teach mathematics using the framework of System Dynamics. Section 6 takes students through the steps from exponential to convergent to logistic models, culminating with an application to a system of deer and vegetation.
Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. The lessons in this section can be used as building blocks for the Oscillations curriculum that illustrates "the cause of the problem is within the system." |
More about the book at: http://www.iseesystems.com/store/college_university/MathBook.aspx
Lessons in Mathematics Section 7: Differential Equations |
Diana M. Fisher |
Math |
This book provides a set of tools that enables educators to teach mathematics using the framework of System Dynamics. Section 7 builds on the skills of Sections 5 and 6 using classic problems studied with differential equations. Exponential, convergent and logistic models are presented using examples from contagious disease, the path of lead through the body and predator-prey interactions. This section also compares the numerical derivation of Euler's Method to a corresponding version in STELLA.
Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. The lessons in this section can be used as building blocks for the Oscillations curriculum that illustrates "the cause of the problem is within the system." Available from iseesystems. |
More about the book at: http://www.iseesystems.com/store/college_university/MathBook.aspx