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Lessons in Mathematics Section 8: Miscellaneous Topics
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Math
  This book provides a set of tools that enables educators to teach mathematics using the framework of System Dynamics. Section 8 presents a natural extension of linear and exponential growth study - arithmetic and geometric sequences. Application to an age-specific population is also included. Available from iseesystems.
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Lessons in Mathematics Section 9: Appendix
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Math
  This book provides a set of tools that enables educators to teach mathematics using the framework of System Dynamics. Section 9 is a useful reference for all lessons in the book. Included are generic modeling structures, a summary of motion, distance-velocity-acceleration graphs and examples of differential equations with their growth patterns. Available from iseesystems.
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Lessons in Mathematics: A Dynamic Approach
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Math
  The abstractness of a traditional approach to mathematics causes many students to falter. This book focuses on making the abstractness more concrete with interesting and fun lessons. It uses STELLA software's icon-based, non-abstract language to structure problems in ways that students can easily visualize. Students use the software's simulation capabilities to explore solutions to the problems. Some sections can be used as building blocks to understand the behavior of complex systems, while others illustrate one or more characteristics of complex systems. Available from iseesystems.
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Let It Roll! An Interdisciplinary Middle School Math/Science Unit Using a STELLA Model of the Physics of Motion
Author(s): Rob Quaden, J. Trierweiler, & D. Lyneis Subject: Cross-Curricular
  In this unit eighth graders first conduct a physics of motion laboratory experiment and then try to understand the behavior using model building, math reasoning and scientific reasoning.
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Let It Snow: Micro-Lesson
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, & Lees Stuntz Subject: Micro Lesson
  Micro Lesson for Splash!
Linear Models in STELLA
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher, & Rogers Subject: Math
  From CC-STADUS. Introductory tutorial exercises using STELLA II for high school math. Involves distance, car depreciation and jumping out of an airplane.
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Linear Systems Using STELLA
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Math
  From CC-STADUS. Semi-complex STELLA tutorial. Involves train robbery, Star Trek, and camping.
Linguistic Clues for Spotting Feedback Loops in the Wild
Author(s): Kim A. Kastens, & Thomas F. Shipley Subject: Cross-Curricular
  It’s not so hard to recognize a feedback loop when you encounter it in a course where the teacher is explicitly talking about systems thinking. It’s a much harder knack to recognize feedback loops amid the distractions and complexity of the real world. But that’s the knack our students will need if they are to use their understanding of feedback loops to explain phenomena, or make predictions, or solve problems in their personal and professional lives. The goal of this article is to provide learners with a strategy with which to recognize non-obvious feedback loops in their out-of-school reading.
Living Lands — Forest and Town Simulation
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, & Jen Andersen Subject: Cross-Curricular
  This lesson with multi-user simulation explores the management of a national forest and its surrounding towns. Student teams log in and make decisions for a local town or for the surrounding forest that has a large level of accumulated fuel. The decisions of individual teams impact all other teams. Damage from potentially catastrophic fires looms, and students must try to manage the situation to protect the area, both now and into the future.
Lowering the Barriers to Systems Thinking: Lessons from India
Author(s): Steve Kipp Subject: Project Histories
  Personal experience has shown that it is easier to demonstrate how well Systems Thinking (ST) works with students than it is to convince teachers that they themselves are capable of integrating ST into their palette of effective strategies. On a recent tr
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