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Murdoch Middle School, Part IV
Author(s): Dan Barcan Subject: Project Histories
  Part 4 of a narrative history of the start-up years of Murdoch Middle School, a Massachusetts charter school determined to teach and use systems thinking and system dynamics.
Author(s): Jeff Potash, & John Heinbokel Subject: Social Studies
  This is the first of three articles that explores building system dynamics tools and perspectives into the K-12 social studies curricula. This article begins with a "big picture" perspective in identifying goals that are shared by the two fields and that
Author(s): Jeff Potash, & John Heinbokel Subject: Social Studies
  This second article poses the question, "How can we effectively use system dynamics to build social studies curricula to meet those two goals?" These ideas have evolved over years of working with students, most recently with Rob Skiff within the middle-
Non-Linear Systems Using STELLA II
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Math
  From CC-STADUS. Complex tutorial; involves catching a train, financial investment; explores linear, quadratic, and exponential growth.
Notes on history and future of system dynamics in K-12 education (D-4897)
Author(s): Jay W. Forrester Subject: System Dynamics
  With these notes, Jay Forrester hopes to encourage discussion about participating in a daring, difficult, but highly promising kind of K-12 education that is radically different from what is now common.
Oscillating Example for Algebra II, Using STELLA
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Math
  From CC-STADUS. Demonstrates existing conditions, involves predator-prey relationship, explores (pulse-started) oscillation.
Oscillations 1 Background Information on Simulation Created for Lesson 1: Springs Everywhere: Exploring Spring-Mass Dynamics
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, Jennifer Andersen, & in collaboration with the CLE Subject: Cross-Curricular
  This lesson is a precursor to the Oscillation curriculum created for the Complex Systems Project. Experimenting with a virtual spring will help students gain an intuitive understanding for why a spring oscillates. This knowledge will be reinforced in other lessons in this series.

Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. Five interdisciplinary areas are covered in a series of lessons, utilizing a family of models that all generate oscillation. Oscillation in real-world systems is often considered problematic rather than a consequence of system structure. This progression of lessons will help students understand that undesirable behavior can be a consequence of system structure and not a result of outside, uncontrollable influences. In other words, a system that oscillates does so because it has an inherent tendency to do so.
Oscillations 1A: Fun with Springs
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, Jennifer Anderson, & in collaboration with the CLE Subject: Cross-Curricular
  Students explore a simple spring simulation is see how springs behave, given different characteristics. Students can change the springiness, the resistance, and the amount of push or pull.

Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. Five interdisciplinary areas are covered in a series of lessons, utilizing a family of models that all generate oscillation. Oscillation in real-world systems is often considered problematic rather than a consequence of system structure. This progression of lessons will help students understand that undesirable behavior can be a consequence of system structure and not a result of outside, uncontrollable influences. In other words, a system that oscillates does so because it has an inherent tendency to do so.

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Oscillations 1B Exploring Springs: A Little Bounce in the World
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, Jennifer Andersen, & in collaboration with the CLE Subject: Cross-Curricular
  Students explore a simple spring simulation to see how springs behave, given different characteristics. Students can change the springiness, the resistance, a mass at the end of the spring, and the amount of push or pull.

Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. Five interdisciplinary areas are covered in a series of lessons, utilizing a family of models that all generate oscillation. Oscillation in real-world systems is often considered problematic rather than a consequence of system structure. This progression of lessons will help students understand that undesirable behavior can be a consequence of system structure and not a result of outside, uncontrollable influences. In other words, a system that oscillates does so because it has an inherent tendency to do so.

Link to the simulation:
Oscillations 1C Springs Everywhere: Exploring Spring-Mass Dynamics
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, Jennifer Andersen, & in collaboration with the CLE Subject: Cross-Curricular
  The spring simulation allows students to experiment with a virtual spring-mass system. They can change settings, run the simulation, and compare results. The default simulation behavior is equilibrium, as the spring is initially at rest. By changing the settings, a variety of oscillatory behaviors are generated. This model is intended as an introduction for this series of oscillatory models, although it also aligns with specific math and science curricular standards.

Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. Five interdisciplinary areas are covered in a series of lessons, utilizing a family of models that all generate oscillation. Oscillation in real-world systems is often considered problematic rather than a consequence of system structure. This progression of lessons will help students understand that undesirable behavior can be a consequence of system structure and not a result of outside, uncontrollable influences. In other words, a system that oscillates does so because it has an inherent tendency to do so.

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