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An Introduction to Feedback (D-4691)
Author(s): Leslie Martin Subject: System Dynamics
  From SDEP. Feedback is the process through which a signal travels through a chain of causal relations to re-affect itself. This paper will reinforce the general theory of feedback with multiple different examples in the form of exercises, which will involve the reader in making the distinction between positive and negative feedback. From Road Maps 2.
An Introduction to Linear Models: Using STELLA to Solve Word Problems
Author(s): Rob Quaden, Alan Ticotsky, & Deb Lyneis Subject: Math
  Prepared with the support of the Gordon Stanley Brown Fund. In this introductory system dynamics modeling lesson, students learn to build simple linear models using STELLA software. The lesson can be integrated into an eighth grade Algebra I curriculum. It can also be used with students as young as fifth grade. As students develop their computer modeling skills, they also deepen their understanding of math by solving typical word problems in a different way.
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Analyzing a Stock and Flow Model to Understand the Body’s Ability to Process Alcohol
Author(s): Ashley Joyce Subject: Cross-Curricular
  Ms. Joyce's Anatomy and Physiology students at IACS in Tyngsboro, Massachusetts, explore the effects of alcohol using a model and simulation developed at the Creative Learning Exchange, Thinking about Drinking. The students analyzed the model and then used it in a cumulative assessment to illustrate connections between the respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems. The paper includes modifications of the handouts found on the CLE website as well as a rubric and other materials for teachers to use this simulation successfully in their classes. The curricular surround starts with students describing their understanding of a breathalyser and Blood Alcohol Content from their previous knowledge and finishes with a final poster to communicate students' learning.
Assessing Progress in Systems Thinking and Dynamic Modeling: Some Thoughts for Educators
Author(s): Jeff Potash, & John Heinbokel Subject: Implementation
  A discussion of the methods and building blocks which help educators achieve success in introducing and understanding system dynamics.
Assessing the Effectiveness of Systems Thinking in the Classroom
Author(s): Megan Hopper, & Krystyna A. Stave Subject: Research
  This paper presents an analysis of systems thinking interventions in educational settings. Although these interventions have been implemented in K-12 classrooms since the mid 1980s, there is still no clear definition of systems thinking or identification of the best method to test the effectiveness of interventions or methods for teaching systems thinking The goal of this paper is to answer the question: how can we best assess the effectiveness of systems thinking interventions in education? This question begs three sub questions: (1) what is systems thinking, (2) what systems thinking interventions are being used in education, and (3) how have the effect of interventions been measured? The purpose of answering these questions was to propose methods for assessing systems thinking interventions. The analysis of systems thinking interventions in the classroom yielded an initial set of guidelines for measuring and raising a person’s level of systems thinking.
Assessing the Effectiveness of Systems-Oriented Instruction for Preparing Students to Understand Complexity
Author(s): Richard Randall Plate Subject: Research
  Dissertation for Ph.D. This research presents systems-oriented instruction as a promising pedagogical tool for preparing students to understand complex social and ecological systems. A methodology is presented using cognitive mapping to evaluate how systems-oriented instruction affects the way students learn about complex systems.
Bacteria Sandwich - Mini App
Author(s): Anne LaVigne Subject: Cross-Curricular
  Bacteria Sandwich is a free, engaging, easy-to-use app for students and others to explore how exponential growth can occur when temperatures are optimal for the bacteria. Students can change the initial number of bacteria and temperature to see what happens over 12 hours. How can this bacteria be stopped before it creates a very dangerous lunch? Students can change the elements to determine how to keep those lunches safe!
Banzai Barbie! STELLA Model Building and Graph Analysis in Math and Science Using Bungee Jumping
Author(s): Mary Memmott, & Becky Hadden Subject: Cross-Curricular
  Using a STELLA model and then designing an actual bungee jump, students take Barbie bungee jumping.

Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System This lesson presents a fun way to experiment with an oscillating system. It can be used as a precusor to the Oscillations curriculum designed for the Characteristics of Complex Systems project.
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Beginning ST Using Games and Other Technologies to Reinforce Systems Thinking
Author(s): Rob Quaden, & Alan Ticotsky Subject: Conference
  Participants will learn Systems Thinking principles, tools, and concepts using hands-on, engaging, classroom-tested games and activities. Lessons are suitable for all age levels and are appropriate for beginners through intermediate practitioners. Activities will be adapted to the needs of the participants.
Behavior-Over-Time Graphs as Literature and Writing Tools
Author(s): Frank Draper Subject: English
  From Catalina Foothills School District. English curriculum activity using BOTG's.
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