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System Dynamics and Student Leadership
Author(s): Dan Barcan Subject: Implementation
  A discussion of one of the activities at DynamiQueST 2001, how it worked and how systems dynamics affected the students involved
System Dynamics and the Lessons of 35 Years (D-4224-4)
Author(s): Jay W. Forrester Subject: System Dynamics
  The professional field known as system dynamics has been developing for the last 35 years and now has a world-wide and growing membership. System dynamics combines the theory, methods, and philosophy needed to analyze the behavior of systems in not only management, but also in environmental change, politics, economic behavior, medicine, engineering, and other fields. System dynamics provides a common foundation that can be applied wherever we want to understand and influence how things change through time.
System Dynamics for Kids
Author(s): Jim Hight Subject: Why K12 SD
  A article highlighting Jay Forrester's application of system dynamics to education and steps taken by Jay with Gordon Brown, Frank Draper, and others to develop this novel approach to education that Tucson, AZ and other cities are exploring.
System Dynamics in K-12 Education: Lessons Learned
Author(s): Debra Lyneis, & Lees N. Stuntz Subject: Implementation
  This is a follow-up report from the 2001 SD in K-12 planning meeting held at Essex, MA. Key players in the K-12 SD field reflect on their work, lessons they have learned, and future plans.
System Dynamics Meets The Press
Author(s): Donella H. Meadows Subject: System Dynamics
  A narration of the experiences of a systems thinker and the struggle to introduce systems concepts into today's society.
System Dynamics Modeling and STEM
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Conference
  From physical science, to life science, to math, the motion detector and system dynamics models help students understand dynamics, feedback, and patterns. Participants will build models involving resource depletion and predator/prey interactions, among others. Participants should have a laptop computer for this intermediate level workshop.
System Dynamics Models Created by High School Students.
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Project Histories
  Presented at the 2000 International System Dynamics Society Conference in Bergen, Norway, this paper presents examples of models with serious mistakes made in the early years of modeling classes in Portland, OR, and a larger set of good models that are mo
System Dynamics: Quotations from K-12 Teachers D-4893
Author(s): Jay W. Forrester Subject: Why K12 SD
  This paper discusses the most recent frontier in system dynamics and its use as a foundation underlying a dramatically different kind of education in kindergarten through 12th grade.
System Dynamics: the Foundation Under Systems Thinking (D-4902)
Author(s): Jay W. Forrester Subject: System Dynamics
  This paper discusses system dynamics as a solid systems core in K-12 schools. It originally appeared in Reflection, Journal of the Society for Organizational Learning, Vol.1, No. 3, Spring 2000, published by the MIT Press, as a response to Peter M. Senge's article in the same issue entitled "Systems Change in Education". Revised 12/2010.
System Stories for Children
Author(s): Linda Booth Sweeney Subject: Implementation
  How many children’s stories embody systems principles? Over the past several years, on a journey in an attempt answer to that question, the author found a growing number of stories that embody systems principles and archetypes. This excerpt is taken from a longer piece that includes an introduction to targeted systems concepts, an analysis of 15 stories and tips on how to use the collection.
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