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Systemic Planning
Author(s): Ralph Brauer, John Heinbokel, & Jeff Potash Subject: Implementation
  Insights and discussion about the development of a basic outline model focusing on student performance.
Systems Academy for Young Scientists (SAYS) Pilot Summer Program
Author(s): Rudy Reyna, Andi Guerrero, & Ben Jurewicz Subject: Conference
  The Systems Academy for Young Scientists (SAYS) pilot summer session consisted of a 5-week enrichment program offered to elementary students to explore ST/SD. This session will discuss the design of the program, the model, the implementation including budget, timeline, etc., lessons learned, results and plans for 2010. This session is geared towards elementary level teachers and administrators.
Systems Education For Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade in the United States: A View from the Creative Learning Exchange
Author(s): Lees N. Stuntz Subject: Project Histories
  An overview of 7 different schools using system dynamics and the means by which they began, gives insights into how other school systems might approach the venture.
Systems Thinking & System Dynamics in K-12 Education: A summary of existing systems
Author(s): Mary Scheetz Subject: Project Histories
  During the 1995-96 school year a study, supported by The Waters Foundation, was conducted in 12 school districts around the USA that are integrating systems thinking and dynamic modeling into their programs. This paper contains the summaries of the 12 pro
Systems Thinking and Dynamic Modeling within K-12 Schools: Effects on Student Learning
Author(s): Anne LaVigne Subject: Research
  The increasing trend of use of systems thinking and dynamic modeling could not have occurred without a network of educators who saw the benefits for their students and who worked and continue to work on developing capacity to apply systems thinking and dynamic modeling within classroom instruction and organizational learning. Perhaps some important questions to consider are "How and why has it spread thus far?" and "What keeps it from spreading more quickly?" One partial answer begins with yet another question: "After twenty years, what evidence exists that using systems thinking/dynamic modeling (ST/DM) methodologies has a positive, desirable effect on student learning?" Four areas of evidence are available, each in different quantities and with different measurement criteria. The largest body of evidence is found within the anecdotes of teachers who describe thinking and learning results for their students. Although smaller in quantity, action research (a methodology used to investigate a particular question about learning) and student survey results allow for observation of some general trends relating to student learning/thinking. Finally, empirical research studies are less prevalent, but have occurred within K-12 classrooms.
Systems Thinking and System Dynamics in the CC-STADUS High School Project (How High School Students Become System Thinkers)
Author(s): Scott Guthrie, & Diana Fisher Subject: Project Histories
  From CC-STADUS. Science teacher Scott Guthrie and math teacher Diana Fisher discuss their individual approaches teaching a year long course in system dynamics modeling. Presented at the 1996 International System Dynamics Conference in Cambridge, MA.
Systems Thinking Applications in the English Classroom: Developing Character Analysis Using the Ladder of Connectedness and Causal Loops
Author(s): Stephanie DiCarlo Subject: Implementation
  Stephanie DiCarlo, an experienced high school English teacher from Innovation Academy Charter School, utilizes systems thinking tools to help her students conceptualize and connect life to literature. She found the ladder of connectedness from Peter Senge and causal loop diagrams effective in exploring the hardships of foster care, juvenile court and other familial and social systems found in the novel-in-verse, Keesha’s House. In this paper she outlines step by step how she teaches using systems tools to enhance her students ability to analyze literature and build critical thinking capacity.
Systems Thinking Education in K-12 in Taiwan: His-Fu Cultural Foundation
Author(s): Richard Tu Subject: Project Histories
  A brief outline of the His-Fu Cultural Foundation, its history, vision, and goals, which includes a learning program for grades 3-6 and a sample game, The Fish Pond Story. The final page lists areas in which the Foundation would like help or ideas and pro
Systems Thinking in 25 Words or Less
Author(s): Debra Lyneis Subject: Why K12 SD
  An answer to the request "Explain what systems thinking is and what it has to do with educating children," in a few more than 25 words.
Systems Thinking in Teacher Education
Author(s): Ruth Fruland Subject: Why K12 SD
  In this article I will present some results from my dissertation research, in which I introduced systems thinking (ST) and systems dynamics (SD) to preservice teachers in an interdisciplinary methods course. I wanted to understand how preservice (student) teachers would respond to the paradigm of systems thinking, including specific components, and SD modeling methods, to guide future work in teacher education.
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