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The Credit Card Model (D-4683)
Author(s): Manas Ratha Subject: System Dynamics
  From SDEP. This paper describes a simple system of purchasing with a credit card. The reader is led through the steps of building a system dynamics model by building and simulating the model along with the paper. From Road Maps 9.

Complex Systems Connection: hort and Long Term Conflicts. Managing money, in personal finances or in running a business, often involves setting both short-term and long-term goals. Sometimes goals are in conflict between these timeframes, such as spending now versus saving/investing for future financial well-being. This credit card model shows how future quality of life is reduced by spending over one's means through the use of credit cards.
The Egg Mobile– Introducing Systems Thinking in Environmental Education
Author(s): Renata Pomponi, Kris Scopinich, & Linda Booth Sweeney Subject: Conference
  Mass Audubon’s Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary strives to foster connections between people, land, and wildlife in ways that allow our visitors to develop and act on their own conservation ethic. We have recently introduced system dynamics concepts to effectively communicate the interdependencies present in sustainable farming practices and to develop Systems Thinking abilities in our preschool and K-5 program participants. The session will provide an overview of our process for integrating Systems Thinking in our education programs as well as curricular tools developed to demonstrate the interconnections between farming, soil health, and the larger environmental system.
The Feedback Method : A System Dynamics Approach to Teaching Macroeconomics
Author(s): David Wheat Subject: Research
  This thesis documents a method for improving undergraduate instruction in macroeconomics. Called the feedback method, it enables students to learn about dynamic behavior in a market economy by using feedback loop diagrams and interactive computer simulation models instead of static graphs or differential equations. There are at least two types of pedagogical problems associated with graphical representation of the economy. First, students seem to have difficulty interpreting static graphs used to illustrate dynamics, which raises questions about the value added by graphs to student understanding. Secondly, the most prominent graph in modern macroeconomics principles textbooks-the aggregate supply and demand (AS/AD) model-appears to misrepresent disequilibrium conditions in the economy and cause students who understand the graph to misunderstand important behavior in the economy. The feedback method emphasizes dynamics rather than static equilibrium conditions. How the economy changes over time in different contexts is the behavioral question that students repeatedly encounter. The structure of the economy is explained in terms of reinforcing and counteracting feedback loops. Student understanding of the source of dynamic economic behavior requires seeking, identifying, and explaining relevant feedback structure in an economic system. Interactive computer simulation activities reinforce the insights gained from studying feedback loops. Even small-scale student participation in model-building seems to facilitate understanding of a larger model; moreover, such participation may build respect for the scientific method and an appreciation for theory building by economists. The feedback method is a structural explanation of economic behavior, but it also provides an improved learning structure for students, and the thesis reports on four experiments designed to test that claim. Two experiments examined student preferences for methods of learning macroeconomics; for example, using static graphs or a feedback loop diagram. The experimental designs were quite different, but the results were the same-a significant majority preferred the feedback method. The most commonly cited reason: feedback loops enable the students to visualize a process in the economy. The third and fourth experiments addressed the performance question. In the third experiment, students showed more understanding of GDP when they had access to a stock-and-flow feedback diagram of the economy. In the final experiment, students using feedback loop diagrams displayed more understanding of business cycle dynamics than other students who had access to an AS/AD graph. Teaching students to search for feedback structure in the economy and using computer simulation to connect structure with behavior appears to be a promising method for teaching macroeconomics.
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The First Step (D-4694)
Author(s): Leslie Martin Subject: System Dynamics
  From SDEP. An introductory tutorial based on "The First Three Hours," by Matthew Halbower. The tutorial goes over the basics of system dynamics and introduces key terms and concepts. It guides the reader through creating a model in STELLA, and helps with using the software itself. From Road Maps 2.
The First Year: Integrating Systems Thinking and STELLA into the K-12 Curriculum
Author(s): Richard Langheim, & Timothy Lucas Subject: Project Histories
  A description of the process of introducing systems education in the Ridgewood Public Schools, Ridgewood, NJ. Includes: 1) Incorporating Systems Thinking into a Curriculum Drama Presentation. Timothy R. Lucas. A Lesson plan for fourth graders—incorporatin
The Fish Pond Story
Author(s): Malcolm Brooks, & Richard Tu Subject: Cross-Curricular
  The sample game developed by Richard Tu in Taiwan and a simple simulation used in Maine based upon that game.

Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. In systems where renewable resources are used up, people often blame others. Decisions to use the resource faster than it can be replenished is the real cause, however.
The Future of System Dynamics and Learner-Centered Learning in K-12 Education-Essex Report
Author(s): Debra Lyneis, & Lees Stuntz, et. al. Subject: Implementation
  A report from the planning meeting held in Essex, MA, June 23 - July -1, 2001, presented at the International System Dynamics Society Conference in Palermo, Italy, July 2002. The participants at the Essex meeting developed a strategy to realize a vision of what an education based on the principles of system dynamics could provide to students and their communities, and developed a 25-year plan to implement that strategy.
The In and Out Game: A Preliminary System Dynamics Modeling Lesson
Author(s): Alan Ticotsky, Rob Quaden, & D. Lyneis Subject: Implementation
  Prepared with the support of the Gordon Stanley Brown Fund. The In and Out Game is a preliminary system dynamics modeling lesson for kindergarten and primary grade students which is also adapted for use with upper elementary and middle school students. Young students learn about stocks and flows by physically moving into and out of the group of players in the game.
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The Mammoth Extinction Game
Author(s): Gene Stamell, A Ticotsky, & R Quaden Subject: Cross-Curricular
  Prepared with the support of the Gordon Stanley Brown Fund. In this interdisciplinary science, math, and social studies lesson, third graders examine how the wooly mammoth became extinct about 11,000 years ago. With a game and a hands-on model they learn about graphing, probability anda exponential decay in math, and they are intorduced to system dynamics modeling as a useful tool for looking at problems.
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The Shape of Change
Author(s): Rob Quaden, Alan Ticotsky, & Debra Lyneis Subject: Cross-Curricular
  Eleven hands-on lessons/activities that promote critical thinking, teamwork and dialogue.

Complex Systems Connection: Some lessons in the Shape of Change series can be used to illustrate specific characteristics of complex systems. Please see individual lessons for more information.
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