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Search results for: Diana M. Fisher
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Building Slightly More Complex Models: Calculators vs. STELLA
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Research
  If students are to develop the potential to effectively manage ubiquitous complex systems, it is becoming increasing important to develop systems thinking concepts and model building skills formally at the pre-college level. This paper describes an experiment conducted in two secondary school classrooms in the Pacific northwestern United States to determine the importance of access to a relatively new modeling tool for students to enable them to successfully create and analyze simple models that are slight extensions of traditional models, as compared with using graphing calculators to build and analyze the same extended model scenarios.
Easter Island Population Model
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Social Studies
  From CC-STADUS. Explores population-natural resource relationship, overshoot and collapse, leverage points.

Complex Systems Connection: Short and Long Term Conflicts, Cause within System. People sometimes decide to use natural resources to meet present needs and igno
Experiences in Developing Single-Discipline and Cross-Curricular Models for Classroom Use
Author(s): Ron Zaraza, & Diana Fisher Subject: Project Histories
  From CC-STADUS. The experiences of the CC-STADUS staff and participants in the CC-STADUS Project lead to recommendations and suggestions for model development and documentation, and training programs for teachers. Presented at the 1996 International Syste
From Exponential to Convergent to Logistic Models Using STELLA
Author(s): Diana Fisher Subject: Math
  From CC-STADUS. Exploration using bacteria, poison, cooling, fish population, and flu epidemic.
Introducing System Dynamics into the Traditional Secondary Curriculum: The CC-STADUS Project's Search for Leverage Points
Author(s): Ron Zaraza, & Diana Fisher Subject: Implementation
  From CC-STADUS. A discussion of the single-subject natural "entry points" for system dynamics—areas where systems ideas and models are natural topics. Examples are given for physics, biology, mathematics, social sciences and literature.
Learning About System Dynamics: One Experience
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Project Histories
  From CC-STADUS. A narrative about Diana Fisher's (Math teacher in the Portland Public Schools) experience learning about STELLA and systems education.
Lessons in Mathematics Section 0: Overview
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Math
  This book provides a set of tools that enables educators to teach mathematics using the framework of System Dynamics. Section 0 covers basic skills in representing equations using a visual modeling tool, the STELLA software. Available from iseesystems.
  More about the book at:
Lessons in Mathematics Section 1: Linear Behavior
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Math
  This book provides a set of tools that enables educators to teach mathematics using the framework of System Dynamics. Section 1 on linear motion covers the theory of finite differences and distance-time and position-time exercises using a motion detector. Available from iseesystems.
  More about the book at:
Lessons in Mathematics Section 2: Quadratic Behavior
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Math
  This book provides a set of tools that enables educators to teach mathematics using the framework of System Dynamics. Section 2 on quadratic behavior covers the theory of finite differences and distance-time and position-time exercises using a motion detector. Available from iseesystems.
  More about the book at:
Lessons in Mathematics Section 3: Exponential Behavior
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Math
  This book provides a set of tools that enables educators to teach mathematics using the framework of System Dynamics. Section 3 covers the theory of finite differences for exponential functions. Students build models of many processes, including bacteria growth, drug elimination from the body and compounding interest, among others.
  More about the book at:
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