Home > Curriculum
CLE Document Submission
Thank you for wanting to share your curriculum ideas and materials through the Creative
Learning Exchange. Your contribution will help many teachers and their students benefit from
system dynamics and systems thinking in their classrooms. These guidelines will help you
prepare a document that is easy for other teachers to use. It is not a cookbook, however. Your
lesson should be in your voice, reflecting the enthusiasm of your students. Beyond the basic
requirements, please feel free to add whatever you think other teachers would need to know.
Above all, try to be concise. Remember that teachers are busy. Try to give them all that they
need to know, and no more.
(Download) |
Title/Author |
- Authors name, the date, school or affiliation,
and e-mail or school address on title page
or first page.
- Copyright information and ""Permission granted for copying and for electronic
distribution for non-commercial educational purposes." on title page.
Abstract |
A brief introduction or abstract so that teachers can
quickly grasp the general idea of the lesson and decide
whether or not it suits their needs. Include:
- The purpose of the lesson - what question or problem
do students explore?
- The grade level and subject area.
- Why are you presenting this lesson? What will students
- What do students do? Do they play a game, build
a model, conduct an experiment, etc.?
- What SD/ST tools/concepts are used; how does SD/ST
contribute to the lesson?
Preparation |
- Preparation requirements: time, materials, technology/special
equipment needed, etc.
- Assumed ST/SD knowledge, background, and experience
of both the teachers and the
students to enable successful use of these materials.
Pedagogy |
all those that apply to your lesson.
- Accurate and appropriate use and explanation of
all ST/SD tools (See Tips
for ST/SD
Tools and/or Rubrics
for Understanding)
o Explain major feedback loops, accumulations (stocks).
o State the purpose of any model.
o Document and balance all units.
o Document all equations.
o Give detail appropriate to level of expertise of
student and teacher.
o Explain the pertinence of the use of systems tools
in this specific lesson.
- Evidence of how ST/SD improved the lesson for students.
- Learning objectives for students.
- Student worksheets (Include answer keys
for teacher reference.)
- Typical or expected student responses, examples
of student work and anecdotes.
- Pitfalls, troubleshooting, advice, possible errors
or confusions; hints for creating positive learning
opportunities in such situations.
- Debriefing advice, questions to synthesize and deepen
student learning.
- Interdisciplinary connections.
- Transferability.
- Links to other lessons.
- Real-world applications, broader lessons, ethical
- Content consistent with current knowledge.
References |
- Include complete references for all sources.
- Please submit your lesson to the Creative Learning
Exchange in digital format using standard word processing.
- Please submit any models in the latest
version of the modeling software.
- Send the file to Lees Stuntz
Preparing ST/SD lessons for dissemination
is an opportunity for teachers and others to collaborate
and learn from one another. Please feel free to contact
the Creative Learning Exchange with any questions as you write up your lesson. All submissions
will be reviewed before posting. The shared goal is to
present effective materials to our audience of teachers
visiting the website. Thank you for participating in this