Here are the presentations and documents from the CLE conference in June of 2004. If you missed the most recent conference and you want to make sure that you do not miss the next one pleaseĀ registerwith the Creative Learning Exchange.
Conference Program
The program for the System Thinking and Dynamic
Modeling Conference hosted by the Creative Learning
Exchange in June, 2004.
about Systems Thinking:How We Improve"
JOHN STERMAN: "Why I Want My Children
to Learn System Dynamics"
of Engagement ” as a Template for Guiding Student
Activities with Systems Thinking and Dynamic Modeling"
Session Handouts and Presentations
Listed below are the 33 sessions from the 2004 CLE conference
and any affiliated handouts and presentations.
Wednesday Sessions
Sessions - Thursday
Sessions - Friday Sessions
1. Systems Thinking: Visual Tools for Increasing Student
Learning - Mary Scheetz, The Waters
Learners of every age can benefit from using visual tools
to map their thinking. This session will introduce the concepts
and mechanics of an array of systems thinking tools and will
demonstrate how K-12 educators and students have used the
tools to increase student learning. Participants will have
opportunities to use some of the tools in an experimental
practice field.
2. Introduction to Computer Modeling with STELLA -
Ron Zaraza, Wilson High School, Portland, OR
Dynamic models deal with the way in which important variables
(quantities)change in a system.Understanding how to build
some basic models helps us understand the basic patterns
of change we see in systems.In this workshop,participants
will familiarize themselves with the basic tools of STELLA and
System Dynamics (stocks,.ows,converters,connectors),then
build models that exhibit linear and exponential growth.These
will be expanded into simple population models and population
models that show s-shaped (goal-seeking)growth.These basic
model structures are the core models from which thousands of
useful models are derived.Bring a computer,if you have one,
to work in teams.
3. Intermediate/Advanced Model Building Workshop -
Jim Lyneis,Worcester Polytechnic Institute,and Deb
Lyneis,Creative Learning Exchange,Weston,VT
Participants will conceptualize,build and analyze a small
model step by step.Participants should be experienced with
modeling and familiar with the workings of Vensim or STELLA.
4. Connecting Systems Thinking to the Larger
Dynamics in the Fields of Teaching and Learning -
Will Costello,Chittendon South S.D.,Champlain Valley
Where does our work fit in relation to other,major thrusts
educational reform?Are we a tiny outlier or do we share some
fundamental aspects with current research on thinking,memory,
learning,and teaching?Education has long been anomalous for
consisting of two (inappropriately)distinct fields:research
application.This distinction is finally beginning to evaporate
schools look more to educational research and statistical
data in
guiding their decisions.What is the role of systems in reshaping
and becoming an integral component in the school of the future?
How do we insure that “systems ”has a voice in
teaching and
thinking across a wide spectrum of educational delivery?This
session will be one of discussion and information.Bring what
you have and a willingness to share.
5. Learning from the Past - Jeff
Potash and John
Heinbokel,CIESD,LLP,Vermont Commons School,
South Burlington,VT
Jay Forrester 's frequent admonition to “share your
mistakes” recognizes the extraordinary
power with which experienced modelers can accelerate the
learning curve of “newbies ”through
sharing a variety of modeling errors they have observed and
committed in the course of their own maturation.We may prefer
to talk about our glorious victories,but thoughtful reflection
and analysis of our errors can result in growth and improvement.
In this interactive session,we draw upon our own impressive
repertoire of mistakes,as well as those of others (who shall
remain nameless!),to advise aspiring modelers on pitfalls
6. It 's Elementary!How
Elementary School Teachers
and Administrators Use Systems Thinking in
Classrooms - Jennifer Arzberger,Patrice Becicka,
Gaylen Brannon,Liane Cooper,Kendra Hanzlik,Becky
Hill,Donna Hollm,Cheryl Kiburz,Kathy Kittredge,Tracy
Laue,Veda Lawrence,Julie McCann,and Joan Scurran,
Waters Foundation Action Research Group
Elementary teachers who have used systems thinking concepts
and tools in their classrooms will share their experiences.
Teachers ' areas of interest include reading comprehension
related literacy topics,the study of ecosystems,and student
self-management skills.The session will begin with teacher
presenters sharing classroom applications of systems
and insights gained,followed by presenter and participant
dialogue sessions for more in-depth sharing and conversation.All
presenters have participated in Waters Foundation collaborative
action research,which challenged them to investigate
the effects
of systems thinking on student and/or adult learning.
(Note: This document is also
available under sessions 14 and 26)
Handouts |
7. How Does a Model Facilitate Learning?Some
Preliminary Experimental Findings —Larry Weathers
and Robin Goldstein,Harvard Public Schools,Harvard,
MA,and David Wheat,PhD student,University of
Research suggests that a traditional undergraduate economics
education does not provide an adequate understanding of
essential macroeconomics.The hypothesis is that the weakness
in economics education stems from instructional methods that
fail to provide a learning framework that supports a useful
model of a national economy.One of the authors is developing
a system dynamics model and interactive learning environment
(“MacroLab ”)that he uses in a macroeconomics
learning course for Virginia community college students.He
also developing a set of experiments to test the effectiveness
of MacroLab as an instructional tool.The purpose of one of
the experiments is to compare the learning that takes place
with three different methods of delivering essentially the
information about Gross Domestic Product to three student
groups.The three delivery methods are (1)simple narrative
(2)the same narrative,accompanied by a diagram revealed
in stages (using STELLA 's “story ”feature),and
(3)the same
narrative and diagram,accompanied by a simulation activity.
The second author recently administered this experiment to
secondary students in the Harvard Public Schools system
in Massachusetts.Additional experiments are underway this
spring at both secondary and higher education institutions.This
paper presents the preliminary .ndings and,hopefully,sheds
some light on how a model facilitates learning.
8. Using Infection and Population Models
in Interdisciplinary Lessons - Ron Zaraza,Portland
Public Schools,Portland,OR,and Scott Guthrie,
Portland Public Schools -Wilson H.S.,Portland,OR
Basic population models can be adapted to many different
situations that show exponential or goal-seeking behavior.In
addition,the basic infection model and its extensions illustrate
a wide range of human problems and interactions,from disease
spread to advertising and marketing.Perhaps more importantly,
the very basic population and infection models themselves
be used to explore many questions in geography,economics,
human biology,population studies,ecology,history,and related
.elds.This session will explore ways of using the simplest
population and infection models and a few simple extensions
of them to enhance student learning in a wide range of topics.
Applications cover the full range of subjects taught in middle
high school.Examples will be shared from more than ten years
of classroom use of the models.Focus will be on concepts
content speci .c activities,not active modeling.The models
be used,not created.
9. Creating Content Specific Lessons Incorporating
System Dynamics Models - Diana Fisher,Portland
Public Schools -Wilson H.S.,Portand,OR
Examples of system dynamics lessons will be explored.These
lessons fall into one of four categories:Introductory SD
that reinforce simple core content;Second level lessons to
study more sophisticated behavioral interactions over time;
and two additional levels that require students to create
10. Savagery,Fear,and Leadership:Feedback
in Lord of the Flies - Amy Lovin and Steve Kipp,Glynn
County Schools,Brunswick,GA
In addition to the usual examination of plot,character,setting,
and theme,students in a 10 th Grade Literature and Composition
class used behavior-over-time graphs,causal loop diagrams,
and a STELLA model to examine the human dynamics in William
Golding 's Lord of the Flies .Please join us as we reproduce
lesson experience,exploring questions such as “Why
do we
need rules?”“Is fear a choice we make?”and “How
could Ralph
have been successful in leading the boys?”
11. Learning Environments in Biology.STELLA-
based Food Chain and Fly a Cell -Sarah Strack and
Kristen Mahony,Champlain Valley Union High School,
Participants will learn how to use two STELLA-based learning
environments,Food Chain and Fly a Cell,to teach biology and
environmental science concepts.Both learning environments
meet national science education standards,and are inquiry-
based science experiments that take students from beyond
memorizing names and functions to building their understanding
of how things work as dynamic systems.Experienced high school
biology teachers,who have practical classroom experience
these products,will be leading the session with sample lesson
plans to use in your classroom.
12. Manage Middle Eastern Oil with STELLA:the
OPEC Simulation - Chris Lambert and Dave Mason, Catalina
Foothills High School Social Studies Teachers and Mike Slootmaker,Catalina
Foothills High School Systems Mentor,Tucson,AZ
Participants will engage in the multi-player OPEC simulation as high school students
do when studying the social and economic interdependencies intrinsic in the production,sale
and consumption of petroleum in the Middle East.See how analyzing connections,leverage,scarcity,and
current events interplay in the global petroleum arena.
13. How Did I Get that Grade?Helping
Students See the Effects of Their Academic Decisions over
Time -
Anne LaVigne,Catalina Foothills School District,
Do your students sometimes not understand how their decisions
about school affect them over time?Do they question how they
received a particular grade?In this session,participants
will see
a simple computer simulation that can help middle/high school
students understand how their choices regarding completing,
doing quality work on,and turning in homework affect the
card grades they receive.Participants will also see how use
the iceberg visual and a kinesthetic activity can help students
understand/evaluate their current academic reality and make
plan to achieve a self-selected academic goal.
Wednesday Night - Roundtable discussion moderated by
George Richardson
Panel included Jay Forrester,Andy Ford,Jim Lyneis,George
Richardson and John Sterman
Thurdsay Sessions
Wednesday Sessions - Thursday
Sessions - Friday Sessions
14. What 's Happening in
High School?How High School Teachers and Administrators
Use Systems
Thinking Concepts and Tools in Their Classrooms -
Anne Boswell,Maureen Byrne,Lou Garard,Dave
Hamilton,Steve Kipp,Chris Lambert,Amy Lovin,Dave
Mason,Ron Peterman,Mary Scheetz,Mike Slootmaker,
Sarah Strack,Tim Taber,and Larry Weathers,Waters
Foundation Action Research Group
Science,Algebra,Language Arts,Social Studies and more… High
School teachers share the many ways students use systems
thinking strategies to increase learning.Session
participants will have a chance to dialogue in small groups
with teacher practitioners to ask questions,share insights,and
generate new ideas as to how systems thinking can positively
impact high school students ' learning.All presenters have
participated in Waters Foundation collaborative action research,
which challenged them to investigate the effects of systems
thinking on student and/or adult learning.
See session 6 for handouts
15. Dynamics of Open Content Development
for Introducing Systems Thinking/System Dynamics in
K-12 Education - Vedat G.Diker,Assistant Professor,
College of Information Studies,University of Maryland
Development and diffusion of highly accessible,high quality
instructional materials are important leverage points for
propagating the systems thinking/system dynamics approach
K-12 education.This presentation introduces a dynamic feedback
framework for analyzing policy problems in open online content
development projects,and testing possible solutions.The framework
was developed by integrating the insights derived from a
system dynamics model representing a hypothetical open online
content development community,and the findings of interviews
with the members of the system dynamics K-12 community.
16. Working with the Five Disciplines:the
Dutch Way -
Guus Geisen and Jan Jutten,Schools That Learn
Group,The Netherlands
In the Netherlands,education has lost a lot of its status.We
cannot get enough teachers:they compare this work with being
a policeman.(“How do I control this classroom?”)More
and more
teachers leave the school for a “better ”job.For
about seven or
eight years we have worked with Peter Senge 's ideas in schools.
We are working with the five disciplines,in the school and
in the
classroom as well,using systems thinking as a leverage to
the disciplines and connect them with multiple intelligence,habits
of minds and cooperative learning.We work with teachers and
principals,but the real leverage came when we started working
with children.They are the key to the future.In this workshop
want to share our experiences with you:how we got so inspired,
what exactly we are doing in the Netherlands,what our plans
are for the future.We will also tell shortly about the historical
background of this “Dutch movement ”and we will
give some
examples from our fieldwork.
17. Using Systems to Develop Literacy Among
Elementary Students - Liane Cooper and Donna
Hollm,Catalina Foothills School District Elementary
Teachers,Julie Guerrero,CFSD Elementary Systems
Participants will experience lessons that integrate systems
concepts and tools with proven literacy strategies in order
to meet district reading standards derived from National
Standards.There will be active participation in intermediate
as well as primary activities that teachers can adapt for
use in
their classrooms.Experience Level:Appropriate for beginners
and anyone interested in systems work in elementary schools
(primary and intermediate grades)
18. The Virtual School District:A Reflective
Place for
School and District Leaders - Dennis Arthur Conners,
Program Director &Faculty Tutor,Leadership Formation
Program,School of Education,Gonzaga University,
Preparing leaders for tomorrow 's schools requires a
fundamentally different approach.Dramatically expanding
the ideas of a learning lab by creating a virtual school
this session will detail how Gonzaga University 's Leadership
Formation Program “forms ”principals,program
and superintendents to deal with the dynamic complexity inherent
in leading educational organizations in this era of No Child
Behind .The session will describe how systems thinking,as
perspective and as a set of tools,is used within the virtual
district of this graduate program as a means to support strategic
thinking,group discussion,and team learning as the candidates
attempt to understand and address the multiple problems of
enhancing student,professional and systems learning.
19. What CAN Our Students Learn:The Kids
Tell the Story - Paul Griffith,Portland Schools,Portland,OR
Sixth grade students from Winterhaven School,a math,science
and technology special focus option in the Portland Public
Schools,will be available to talk with and answer questions
during a poster session.Students have begun to learn about
basic Systems Thinking/Dynamic Modeling concepts in the past
year as the staff works toward implementing a K-8 Systems
Thinking/Dynamic Modeling curriculum component for their
20. What Works in Staff Meetings:A Middle
School Principal 's Experience Using System Dynamics -
Mary Quinnan,Tucson Unified School District,Tucson, AZ
Does the utilization of systems tools in professional development, the evaluation
process,and organizational management create a “ripple ”effect that
influences school culture and academic
achievement?How does the use of system dynamics during staff meetings impact
staff awareness and transfer to classroom practice?Share in taking a look at
the practical application of systems tools in a middle school setting with issues
such as staff communication,the impact of instructional strategies on student
engagement and the problem of student failure,retention and social promotion
21. Using Storytelling Features of STELLA
to Communicate —Scott Guthrie,Portland Public
Schools -Wilson H.S.,Portland,OR
Sometimes you have a group you want to explain a model to
that doesn 't really understand STELLA.Sometimes you have
complicated model you wish to explain to a group,but you
don 't
want to overwhelm them with it all at once.STELLA has features
built into it that allow you to slowly build the story of
your model
to an audience.This session will show you how to use all
hidden and little used features of STELLA.
22. Using Non Computer Activities in Grades
3-8 -
Rob Quaden,Alan Ticotsky,and Debra Lyneis,Carlisle,
MA Public Schools,Waters Foundation Project
Participants in this hands-on session will engage in and learn
how to lead simulations designed for students in grades 3-8.
These classroom-tested activities are selected from a set of
systems lessons developed or adapted by the presenters.See
how important concepts and principles can be brought alive
students using ordinary classroom materials.
See the book "The
Shape of Change" for examples of these
23. Systemic Planning and
Decision Making - Ralph
Brauer,Transforming Schools Consortium,Ramsey,MN,
Jeff Potash and John Heinbokel,CIESD,LLP,Vermont
Commons School,South Burlington,VT
We call this experience an open house rather than a seminar
workshop because it is designed to open the doors and windows
of your minds to the insights System Dynamics can bring to
education.The “house ”we are opening is the systemic
process highlighted in the winter edition of The Exchange.
We want to give you a chance to live in that house,to actually
explore and run a large-scale System Dynamics model of a
school district.We will use the model to frame specific issues
your choice such as staffing,budgeting,and maximizing student
performance.Our style will be participative and collaboratory,
featuring hands-on experiences and frank discussions.Our
intent is to stimulate thought,not provide a “magic
guarantee after this experience you will never view schools
same way again.
24. Simulating Habitat Restoration:Surprising
Results from a Student Project on the Tucannon
Salmon Model - Andy Ford,Washington State
This session works through a case study of habitat restoration
on the Tucannon River in eastern Washington.The model was
implemented in STELLA with photographs to connect the model
variables to images of river water in various stages of recovery.
The images and the simulations will be presented at Skamania,
along with the surprising results that emerged when the student
experimented with the new model.The session concludes with
lessons from one doctoral student 's experiences that show
promise for transferring to the K-12 setting.
25.So What Would A Systems Thinker Do? - Mary
Scheetz,The Waters oundation,Portland,OR
This workshop will involve participants in activities and
related to the habits of a systems thinker in the context
of a
variety of scenarios,including K-12 curriculum examples,family
and work situations,and school change challenges.The habits
of a systems thinker used in this workshop have been adapted
from the work of Linda Booth Sweeney and Dennis Meadows
and are described in the Systems Thinking Playbook.Strategies
for developing the habits of a systems thinker will be identified
and practiced.
Friday Sessions
Sessions - Thursday
Sessions - Friday Sessions
26. Making Meaning at the
Middle Level:How Middle School Teachers and Administrators
Use Systems
Thinking - Anne Boswell,Gaylen Brannon,Cheryl
Dow,Robin Goldstein,Karen Greene,Anne LaVigne,
David Lyons,Willie Poinsette,Rob Quaden,Mary
Quinnan,Paul Seidler,and Katie Starbuck,Waters
Foundation Action Research Group
Over one dozen middle school educators will share insights
gained through classroom application of systems thinking.As
teachers share their systems learning journeys,they will
a variety of systems tools,subject areas,and instructional
strategies.Following these brief presentations,participants
will have a chance to dialogue in small groups with the teacher
practitioners to ask questions,share insights,and generate
new ideas as to how systems thinking can positively impact
middle level learning.All presenters have participated in
Foundation collaborative action research,which challenged
them to investigate the effects of systems thinking on student
and/or adult learning.
See session 6
27. Panarchy:A Metaphor for Conveying Systems
Concepts and Improving Systems Thinking Skills - Richard Plate,School of Natural Resources and
Environment,University of Florida,Gainesville,FL
The term “Panarchy ”is a blend of “hierarchy ”and
Greek nature god who revels in disorder.Ecologists Lance
Gunderson and C.S.Holling use the term to describe their
of systems and the adaptive cycles systems go through at
levels of scale.While their ideas are used broadly in the
field of
natural resource management,they may prove equally useful
as a means of visualizing system dynamics without the luxury
a computer model.In this session,I will provide an introduction
to Panarchy as a pedagogical tool in the context of Richmond
seven essential thinking skills.Then,I will solicit the insights
session participants in a discussion about potential applications
for —and barriers to —using Panarchy in the classroom.
28. Nota Bene – How You Will Create
a Useful Notebook and Learn Interesting Things about
System Dynamics —Tim Joy,De La Salle North
Catholic High School,Portland,OR
Help students organize the array of new tools,new skills,and
new concepts in an easy-to-learn,easy-to-maintain notebook
system.This workshop will help you combine the structure
rigor of a scienti .c notebook with the openness and flexibility
of a writer ’s notebook.Some features of this workshop
include “
Just Right ”Stories —a collection of one-and
system stories,a handful of class warm ups,effective but
notebook evaluation methods,and a handful of other lesson
on helping students reach through simple models and capture
some meaning.Participants will set up and use a notebook,
participate in a few exercises,briefly evaluate their work,and
walk away with their own notebook and the experience of how
make it a tool in their own classrooms.Participants will
a copy of Writing and Modeling:using a notebook to learn
System Dynamics.
29. Teaching Systems Thinking with Spreadsheets -
Mohammad Mojtahedzadeh,Managing Director,Attune
Group,Inc.,and Deborah Upton,Assistant Professor,
Stonehill College,MA
This presentation will be about bringing systems thinking
and techniques to the spreadsheet programs for high school
students.We have developed a software package add-in called
Exposé to Microsoft Excel that facilitates utilizing
thinking tools in spreadsheets.Exposé provides a graphical
environment that interacts with MS Excel in real-time and
students to work with models in a graphical environment as
as in spreadsheets.Exposé maps out interrelations
among cells
and variables that remain hidden in the spreadsheet models
in the form of tree diagrams and feedback loop process.The
software automatically highlights dynamic and stock variables
to help users to focus on one of the most important sources
of dynamic complexity.Exposé provides many features
help students to better understand the subtlety of dynamic
systems in mathematics,economics,physics and biology.In
this presentation,we demonstrate how the new technology can
help in utilizing systems thinking tools for teaching students
already know spreadsheet programs.
30. A Systems Approach to Teaching Immunology for
High School - Sarah Strack,Champlain Valley Union
High School,Hinesburg,VT
As a 10th-grade teacher of a required course in Human Biology,I
was searching for some more powerful instructional approaches
to improve student performance on the Immunology Unit of
course.At a Waters Foundation R&D site I had the opportunity
work with a Waters consultant and develop a unit that included
the NERDS simulation,student-extended STELLA models
for immunization,and stock/.ow maps for antigen/antibody
dynamics.Student performance was compared to past classes
and student feedback was gathered as to the effectiveness
the approach.
31. Recruiting and Retaining a High Quality
Mathematics and Science Teaching Workforce
Using a System Dynamics Simulation - Daniel
Burke,Ph.D.Deputy Director for Education,The CNA
Corporation,Alexandria,VA;Linda Cavalluzzo,Ph.D.,
Senior Education Analyst,The CNA Corporation,
Alexandria,VA;Joseph Harris,Ed.D.,Senior Associate,
The McKenzie Group,Washington,DC;Gary Hirsch,
Consultant,Creator of Learning Environments
School districts,particularly urban and high poverty districts,
have critical shortages of science and mathematics teachers.
We are developing a system dynamics-based management
simulator linking hiring,retention,teacher quality,and student
achievement to district resources.This will enable districts
run “what if ”experiments to determine the best
mix of resource
allocation among recruiting,induction,mentoring,professional
development,retention increases,and delaying retirement to
optimize the quality of the instructional workforce
32.Using Dynamic Models to Teach Ecology/
Environmental Science —Ron Zaraza,Portland Public
Many of the topics covered in ecology and environmental science
classes focus on patterns of growth and feedback relationships,
key ideas in System Dynamics.Many of these same ideas are
explored in traditional biology classes and even in some
studies classes (particularly classes looking at global cultures
and civilizations).This workshop will present a number of
models that have been tested in ecology classes (some for
years)as well as examples and suggestions for their use in
variety of classroom activities.Included will be a discussion
how these models allow students to enrich their understanding
of basic topics by assisting them in making the transition
abstract concepts to real applications and explorations of
33.Looking at Everyday Artifacts and Finding the
Systems Message - Linda Booth Sweeney,Harvard
School of Education,Cambridge,MA
This will be a working session that looks at every day artifacts —
including children 's books,text books,school posters,
newspapers,computer software,even museum displays— from
a systems perspective.We 'll explore questions such as:
How are interconnections and dynamics represented?How are
feedback loops represented (or not)when feedback is present?
Please bring your own examples.