Maps 10: A Guide to Learning System Dynamics (D-4510-2)
This guide will lead you through the readings. The guide provides a
summary of the important insights and highlights the system principles
learned in each chapter of Road Maps.
Improving Modeling Skills
Building A System Dynamics Model, Part I (Zipped File) (Aaron Diamond and Premraj Janardanan) (D-4866)
Mistakes and Misunderstandings: Common Formulation Errors (Lewis Kaneshiro) (D-4870-1)
Generic Structures
Generic Structures: Exponential Smoothing (Kevin Stange) (D-4782)
Generic Structures: Damped Oscillations (Kamin et al) (D-4690)
Mistakes and Misunderstandings
Mistakes and Misunderstandings: Time Constants and Decay Fractions (Mila Getmansky)
Mistakes and Misunderstandings: Examining Dimensional Inconsistency (M. Shayne Gary) (D-4272-7)
System Dynamics Models
Tests for Building Confidence in System Dynamics Models (Jay Forrester and Peter Senge) (D-2926-7)
Confidence in Models of Social Behavior--With Emphasis on System Dynamics Models (Jay Forrester) (D-1967)